
This was for my first project in my 2D Graphic Design Class. I used Adobe Illustrator to make it, my first time using Illustrator, been using photoshop all this time.

The project was to make your own personal cartoon character, and this character is named henry. Its suppose to be me When I was a little boy. hope you guys like it.

Don't mind the crap hanging outside of the canvas. Just a second set of eyes and the stop sign hanging out the actual picture. And I know the shadow is terrible lol.

Update 2/2/10

Hey everyone, I'm back and here to share what I have made so far from the past 2 weeks of school in the 2-D Computer Graphic Design class.

Note: I made all these using Illustrator, this is my first time actually using Illustrator, I have been using only Photoshop up till now.


College day 2 COMPLETE

And it completely sucked! This morning I drove all the way to class 30 minutes early to be sure I get a parking spot near my class, and guess what. I spent about 15 minutes looking for a spot and ended in a parking spot across the school. And before I got out of the car I realized I forgot my schedule in my room!

So I turned my engine back on and raced home with about 10 minutes left before class starts and I arrived to class 10-15 minutes late. Teacher didn't get angry at me because it was the first week of school and parking is always crazy on the first week.

Finished my first class which is English by the way. And I decided to look around in the library because I've never been in there before. Plus I had 2 hours to kill so I might as well look around there so I could study while I kill those 2 hours. It was near lunch time and I decided to drive to the near by olive garden to get some soup and breadsticks and boy that was a great idea.

Finished eating about half an hour left before class starts and a nice lady pointed our her parking spot as she was leaving. Then once again I lost my class schedule but don't worry! I found it in the bag of books I bought with the receipts.

Everything else went smoothly for the rest of the day and now I'm back home tired as hell.

Good Night!

College Day 2

Heading into day 2 of college and I am hopefully prepared for my next 3 new classes.
Yesterday was some ride as I chose the wrong class. I chose 2D Design when I was suppose to choose 2D Computer Design....

Anyways I wanted to show you my final projekts I finished up last semester in my Introduction to graphics arts class. I really like the Projekt Designs logo I made although it could use some adjustments.


Tag Wall of 2009

2009 has past, and I just wanted to post most of my creations that I made. Some got me to 3rd place in the ZOMG Signature tournament.

I'm proud of what I have done here, and now that I am in college I hope to create bigger and better things, and that is why I decided to start blogging. I need showcase my work and I plan to make a profit soon. My parents are slowing starting to struggle with the jobs, and I need to step up and help do what they have done for me the past 18 years.